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For general hypnotherapy please visit The Apple Tree
These are the testimonials for Footprints from the Past and The Apple Tree Hypnotherapy
NOTE: The titles at the top of each testimonial are intentionally general: we don’t specify what type of therapy follows, or the nature of the problem the client wants to address. This is to preserve the privacy of our clients. Although Past Life Regression (PLR) is sometimes requested out of spiritual interest, quite often it is used as an independent therapy in its own right to investigate and resolve a large array of problems. These range from psychological, emotional and relationship difficulties to traumas, phobias and – sometimes – even physical problems that can be serious enough to impair the client’s everyday life, even if they don’t seem to have any physical cause.
Spiritual Work/Healing (Depression/Anxiety)
Have done 2 hypnosis sessions with Renata both necessary for my emotional/spiritual healing. I came to her about a year ago feeling like most a bit skeptical about PLR however I was at a stage where I had tried other things and other spiritual healing methods (reiki, etc) but it didn’t work for me. She was essential to my healing and also to raise my awareness of the need to do spiritual work, more importantly for me she was always supportive and understanding about my situation and concerns.
A.F. – London
Hello Renata, I love the fact you have so much information on your website: it makes a great reading and brings me back for more reading. With the websites that have only a little bit of information I lose my attention very quickly and I move onto another. So, for me, your website is wonderful. The clients that come to you from your website must feel closer to you and more open to what is going to happen. Love and Light.
E.B. – The Netherlands
PLR Low Self-Esteem
Many thanks for your support Renata. I am gradually beginning to feel very different as I shed the emotional stuff that we discovered. Many thanks for the session.
J.A. - Cambridge
Weight Management
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for our weight management sessions. I would say that before appointing your services I was very sceptical about this method of losing weight, but after our first session I realised that I was in the hands of a professional and left your practise full of confidence that this was the best decision I had made and the beginning of a wonderful journey of not only to lose weight but to understand our relation to food. Thru out our sessions not only I have built knowledge and learned about my relationship with Food. Following the various exercises also has enlightened my spiritual side. Once gain thank you and glad to have found you.
R.L. - Harrow
PLR Anxiety Spiritual
Dear Renata, thank you very much for yesterday - it was an amazing experience. I do feel much freer and not so worried about what people think, which feels great! Thank you so much.
E.G.– Pinner, UK
Free Youtube videos (and then my CD on sale)
Hello Renata, I found you through Lisa Levinson. I am so happy that I found you. Your meditation is so beautiful. I have been wishing to find the perfect past life regression therapist for years and my wish has come true. You radiate a very pure light. My name is Nicki. I will join Lisa's next spiritual webinar. Are you going to join as well? I am very interested in becoming your client. :0)
See also the kind video Nicki posted on YouTube about her experience:
N.L. – Oregon, USA
Free Youtube videos
Buondì, la seguo, mi piace molto la sua voce, la più rilassante che abbia mai ascoltato. Mi piacerebbe fare delle sedute con lei su aspetti della mia vita. Faccio sempre training prima di dormire e blande forme di autoipnosi con tutorial dove prediligo sempre i suoi video.
Ho scoperto recentemente, e con piacere, che quando sono un po stressato mi basta rappresentare nella mia mente la sua meravigliosa scala e i dieci scalini per entrare in un attimo solo in uno stato di relax. Potere della mente!
La sua voce è in una dimensione speciale. Il suo tono e le parole che sceglie, sempre opportuni. Rilassanti, come dovrebbe sempre essere. Mi piace quando dice “... nessuno pretende niente da te ...“ molto.
S.D.M. – San Severo, Italy
English translation:
Good morning, I follow you, I like your voice very much, the most relaxing voice that I have ever listened to. I would like to have some sessions with you about some aspects of my life. I always do training before sleeping and mild forms of self-hypnosis with the help of a relaxation recording, and I always prefer yours. I have recently discovered with pleasure that when I am a bit stressed it's enough for me to visualise in my mind the wonderful stairway and the ten steps in order to enter immediately into a state of relaxation. The power of the mind!
Your voice is in a special dimension. Your intonation and the words you choose are always appropriate. Relaxing, as it should always be. I very much like when you say: “... no-one expects anything from you. ...”
S.D.M. – San Severo, Italy
Extreme Anxiety-Mood disorder
I'd like to share my thoughts with you, I must firstly say, that I now, believe miracles happen.
I can't describe how happy I feel to have my partner get better in just one session!!!
I must say that he was very, very unwell to the point that he no longer wanted to live I had to keep an eye on him day and night, under no circumstances I could leave him alone. It has been really difficult for us both... I had faith that the session would helped him, but unfortunately he thought that it would not make a difference, I was very worried that these negative thoughts would ruin the session, but it all turn out to be well. When we left your house last night, and got to the car; he laughed!!! For the first time in months!!!! And then he told me he would drive the car back home, also for the first time in a month that he had not driven the car, as he was too scared to drive, since his anxiety had worsen!
Also I'm delighted to be looking at him still sleeping!! He had not slept for more than twenty days! Doctors have given very strong sleeping tablets, but even tablets were not working, we had tried all sort of things to make him sleep!! Massage, tablets, herbal teas, natural remedies, strong sleeping tablets mixed with other tablets!!! All sort of things nothing worked, and his suicidal thoughts were getting worse and worse... you were really my only hope left... I can't thank you enough for what you have done to partner, he left feeling very confident again and hopefully he will learn to have a long lasting change ...
I would definitely come for a session again. I will be in touch to let you know.
S.A. – Oxford, UK
Individual PLR & CDs
I want to say thank you so much Renata for regressing me. You truly are an expert in your profession! For so long I have wanted to be regressed as I have needed proof of who I was in a previous life. My regression confirmed my suspicions all along and to finally put the pieces together has changed my life for the better. One finding out that they were a queen is not something to boast about I think. I have always felt a strange connection to this person and since my regression I have truly started to feel peace and found explanations about my life, how I think and what I must do to improve myself and my life regarding my career. I do again thank you so much for your expertise in regressing me.
L.N. – Harrow, UK
My Session with Dr Bartoli, was excellent, I have gained a new insight and approach to my life and I feel completely re-grounded. The Therapy session was extremely valuable in every way and Dr Bartoli is contactable via E-Mails, with any questions and guidance that is needed afterwards. The Therapy session goes far beyond the session! Highly recommendable!
R.S.C. – Brighton, UK
PLR Workshop & individual PLR & CDs
Nell’agosto 2013 ho frequentato il seminario di gruppo di ipnosi regressiva ed è stata una esperienza straordinaria! Sono stati tre giorni indimenticabili durante i quali ho sperimentato più vite precedenti cogliendo in ognuna insegnamenti molto importanti per la mia vita attuale. Oltre alle regressioni ho apprezzato tantissimo la chiarezza e la semplicità con cui Renata ci ha parlato della vita dopo la morte e delle teorie sulla reincarnazione. È riuscita a creare un bellissimo clima nel gruppo e sembrava che ci conoscessimo da sempre! Dopo il corso ho avuto la meravigliosa opportunità di fare una regressione individuale ed è stata illuminante! Mi ha dato una chiave di lettura per capire alcuni nodi importanti della mia vita e per sciogliere vecchie dinamiche che avendo raggiunto una nuova consapevolezza non hanno più senso di esistere. Incredibile ma vero, due settimane dopo essere tornata a casa, si sono succeduti miracolosi cambiamenti nella mia vita che mi hanno lasciata sbalordita … se me l’avessero detto non ci avrei mai creduto!!! Sono convinta che senza questa esperienza con Renata queste trasformazioni non sarebbero accadute o per lo meno non in tempi così straordinariamente rapidi. E’ stato bellissimo per me aver scoperto in Renata, non solo un’ottima professionista, ma anche una persona profondamente umana che è un esempio di disponibilità, altruismo e sensibilità.
S.B. (psicologa psicoterapeuta) – Milano, Italia
English Translation:
In August 2013 I attended the group seminar of regressive hypnosis and it was an amazing experience! They were three unforgettable days during which I experienced several previous lives, taking – from each of them – very important lessons for my current life. In addition to the regressions I very much appreciated the clarity and simplicity with which Renata told us about life after death and reincarnation theories. She was able to create a beautiful atmosphere in the group and it seemed that we had known each other for all our lives! After the workshop I had the wonderful opportunity to have an individual regression and it was enlightening! It suggested a new approach to solve some important issues in my life and dissolve old dynamics that – due to my having now reached a new sense of awareness – have no reasons to exist any longer. Unbelievable but true – two weeks after returning home – there have been miraculous changes in my life that left me stunned ... Had I been told, I would never have believed it!!! I am convinced that without this experience with Renata these transformations would not have happened or – at least – not in such an extraordinarily short time. It was wonderful for me to have discovered in Renata, not only an excellent professional, but also a deeply humane person who is an example of approachability, unselfishness and sensitivity.
S.B. (psychologist - psychotherapist) – Milan, Italy
PLR Workshop & individual PLR & CDs
Ho partecipato al seminario più per accontentare mia moglie che per un mio reale interesse, ma mi sono dovuto ricredere perché il risultato è stato entusiasmante. Ho vissuto diverse vite precedenti e ciò che ho sperimentato è esattamente quello di cui avevo bisogno per affrontare con coraggio e forza prove di vita attuali. Posso dire che questo viaggio nell’ipnosi regressiva mi ha aperto un nuovo mondo e mi ha spinto ad approfondire la mia ricerca spirituale. Renata ha una competenza così ampia della reincarnazione e della spiritualità da lasciare senza parole! La sua persona è stata il valore aggiunto del corso, perché è raro trovare una professionista così preparata ed accogliente. A dicembre ho sentito l’esigenza di tornare per fare una regressione individuale che non dimenticherò mai…ringrazio infinitamente Renata per tutto ciò che ha saputo trasmettermi e per l’enorme trasformazione che ha reso possibile in me.
M.F. – Milano, Italia
English Translation:
I participated in the past life regression workshop more to please my wife than for any real interest of my own, but I quickly changed my mind because the result was exciting. I recalled several previous lives and what I experienced was exactly what I needed in order to face the challenges of this present life with courage and strength. I can say that this journey into regressive hypnosis has opened a new world to me and has encouraged me to deepen my spiritual quest. Renata has an amazingly wide knowledge of reincarnation and spirituality! Her personality was the added bonus of the course, because it is rare to find a professional so well-prepared and welcoming. In December I felt the need to return to do an individual regression that I shall never forget ... I greatly thank Renata for everything that she was able to pass to us, and for the enormous transformation that she made possible for me.
M.F. – Milan, Italy
PLR Workshop & PLR CD
Ciao a tutti. Sono Gabriella e vengo da Bergamo, Italia. Conoscevo Renata dai libri del Dott. Brian Weiss e sono andata a Londra a fequentare uno dei seminari sulla regressione ipnotica a vite passate che lei orgnaizza per Italiani. Durante la regressione ho rivisto una vita in Germania nel ‘500. In quella vita ero profondamente amata da mio padre, che mi mostrava orgogliosamente a tutti suoi amici uomini. Quando mi è stato chiesto di guardare nei suoi occhi non ho riconosciuto nessuno che abbia incontrato in questa vita (per ora), ma ho fiducia che lo incontrerò in futuro. L’esperienza del suo amore mi ha dato una fiducia incredibile ed ora – ogni volta che qualche problema sorge – ripenso all’amore profondo che ho sperimentato in quella vita e questo mi basta per farmi sentire di nuovo in pace con me stessa. Posso dire che la lezione che ne ho tratto è che devo imparare ad aver fiducia negli altri e saper aspettare.
Quando ascolto il CD di regressione di Renata penso sempre che ha una magnifica voce e che persona semplice e forte che è. Ho intenzione di acquistare presto i nuovi CD della miniserie e di tornare a Londra per una seduta individuale appena posso.
G.D.S. – Bergamo, Italia
English Translation:
Hello to everyone. My name is Gabriella and I come from Bergamo, Italy. I knew Renata from the books by Dr Brian Weiss and I went to London to attend one of her workshops on hypnotic past life regression that she organises for Italians. During the regression I saw a life in Germany, in the 16th century. In that life I was deeply loved by my father, who proudly showed me around to his male friends. When Renata asked me to look into his eyes I couldn’t recognise anyone I have met in this life yet, but I trust that I shall meet him in the future. The experience of his love has given me incredible confidence and now – every time a problem arises – I remember the deep love I experienced during that life, and that is enough to make me feel at peace with myself again. I can say that the lesson I got from the regression is that I must learn to trust others and to be able to wait.
When I listen to Renata’s Regression CD I always think what a wonderful voice she has and what an easygoing and strong person she is. I intend to buy the new CDs of her mini-series soon an to go back to London for a one-to-one session as soon as I can.
G.D.S. – Bergamo, Italy
Phobia & individual PLR
The energy in my life has somewhat led me to past-life regression and I wanted to experience it for myself. At the time, I was reading Dr. Weiss' book Miracles Happen. I really wanted to experience what I was reading so I stopped reading and googled for a professional regressionist in London because I would be traveling there in few days. I found Dr. Renata Bartoli ("Dr. B), asked for an appointment which she confirmed within few minutes. Then I took up my book again and about three pages down there was the testimony of Dr. B in Miracles Happen. My appointment with Dr.B was in the first week of May 2013 and I had indeed my share of experience. I was worried that I may not be relaxed enough to be regressed but I managed and saw three lives in two regressions.
The first life I saw was where I was a man of about 26 years in the Middle Ages. I was a prince - a good man loved by the people and heir to the throne. But I had a brother who wanted me dead so he could be king ... When I was regressed the first thing I saw was that I was naked and trapped in some sort of a well from the waste down with no way of moving out ... I had died in that well. Dr. B had to take back in time to find out the reason I had been put in that well. In my current life, I am somewhat claustrophobic. For example, I have no phobia going in airplanes, lifts are ok if there are not crowded ... But one thing I could not do was sit at the back seat of a car with no back doors, like my VW new beetle. If I do the first thing I do is stop breathing, and get agitated to the point that I do not know or have control over my reaction, movement or behaviour ... Dr. B suggested that I try to sit at the back of my car while somebody else was driving once I returned home because the phobia might have originated from my life as prince. I didn't try it for about a month because I was so scarred even thinking about it. After about a month, my daughter asked me if we could switch places and she could sit in front and I at the back while the driver was at the wheel - just like that. It hit me and I said fine. But I told her to be careful and to lift the seat for me to let me out should I react strangely. To my surprise I sat comfortably, very calm observing myself ... absolutely no reaction. We took her to school. The next day I sat at the back for an even longer ride - nothing happened and the third day I sat at the back with other people at the back, sitting next to me - nothing! I was freed of my claustrophobia!
The second regression took me to two past lives. In my current life, there is a man I have met through work. We have completely different back grounds -different country even continent, language, colour ... But I always feel very close to him. At first I thought I was in love with him but then when time went by I knew it was something deeper that didn't change after he married (even if that didn't last long). I truly and deeply love him and feel connected to him even when I have not seen him for over a year. But I never wanted to be too close to him because I always feared that I would loose him if we were together in a relationship - all such relationships have a way of ending and he means much more than that to me. So with this background ... in my second regression I found out that I was married to this man in two other lives. We had a pleasant, peaceful, loving relationship each time. We had children in the second life and although I didn't remember any of my children, my granddaughter from that life who was very close to me then and was at my side with my husband when I passed away is my daughter in this life. This shed some light to my feelings and the closeness I feel in my heart for this man in my current life.
Thank you very much, Dr. B. I shall come again when I am in London next and may also bring my "husband" in my previous lives for a regression.
WTB - Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
I did really enjoy the day so thank you. I did feel very emotional Sunday evening and still felt the emotions I had felt earlier. It was a lovely group of people too.
N.S. London, UK
I found the day very interesting and quite aligned to my own beliefs and thoughts on many subjects, which was encouraging, and I was delighted that I had managed to see something and get some information from the regression and healing visualisations.
H.D. - London, UK
Stress and Anxiety
After one hypnotherapy session with Renata, I have been able to drastically reduce my medication, because my stress level has gone down. It is so good to be more relaxed and take life more as it comes. Some control back into my life.
M.S., Wendover Buckinghamshire, UK
PLR - Anxiety - Spiritual
Dear Renata, thank you very much for yesterday - it was an amazing experience. I do feel much freer and not so worried about what people think, which feels great! Thank you so much.
E.G.– Pinner, UK
Confidence, individual PLR and Spiritual
Renata has used hypnotherapy to help me with my confidence (which I only needed two sessions for as it worked extremely well), past life regression and most of all to find answers regarding strange dreams I had been having. I have been to many people over the past ten years about this issue and have never met anybody as knowledgeable and insightful as Renata. Her experience and training has definitely served her well and she has a very sharp sense as to what may be going on in each situation. Also, she is a great listener, very professional, and makes you feel at ease, which is vital when trusting somebody with hypnotizing you.
S.T. Acton Town London, UK
Spectacular, unique: was it by chance or was it destiny? I don’t know, but for several years I had had the intention to have a past life regression, because I am very interested in spirituality and I have experienced psychic phenomena myself. For years I had searched Google to find someone qualified who could regress me, but I never found what I wanted and I gave up.
Some weeks ago however, I started searching Google again and – by chance – I came across Renata’s website, Footprints from the Past. I suddenly felt very curious about it and when I saw her photo I felt something inside myself telling me that she was the right person. For this reason I contacted her and took an appointment for a one-to-one session. I was very happy with that; I felt very much at ease to speak to her about my experiences and Renata definitely helped me a lot. After the session I felt more alive and I also felt that my love for my present life has increased.
I definitely recommend Renata to everyone wishing to have a PLR. Besides being a beautiful and patient person, very highly qualified, Renata has a very strong natural energy. After my one-to-one session I attended a one-day workshop on PLR and future life progression: it was a wonderful day and a wonderful experience. I had the pleasure to meet other like-minded people who were there for the same reason as me. The atmosphere was splendid: so positive!
You don’t need to have already had important psychic experiences to contact Renata. Curiosity, interest and the wish to investigate a past life are enough, whether you choose a one-to-one session or a workshop: believe me it’s worthwhile! The experience will change your life for the better, it will give you more energy, determination and motivation. You will have the feeling to have been reborn into a new person ready to face life with a big smile on your face. Thank you Renata, Thank you for existing.
S.O. – London, UK
When starting out as a newly qualified hypnotherapist many years ago, Renata provided me with support and taught me a great deal about hypnotherapy including invaluable knowledge about regression, how to overcome difficulties in practice and in depth knowledge about the business in general.
It is thanks to Renata that I now have a successful business today and I cannot thank her enough.
Shirley Grove-Grayling (hypnotherapist) – Norwich, UK
Workshop and individual PLR
I only attended a full day workshop and I can say it was one of the most exciting and motivating experiences I have had in my life. The hypnosis she did was really different from what I expected (film-style), you remain perfectly conscious of everything you see and of your body as well. You live your real dream, you command it and live in it, with a level of self-awareness never experienced before. Also my perception of the relationships around me changed positively, all my best friends felt somehow involved with a sense of happiness when I talked to them of what I experienced. I strongly recommend it to every person who seriously wants to understand him/herself in depth.
A.R.N. – Chiswick – London, UK
Workshop and individual PLR
It was beyond my expectations. My first appointment was for a One to One session and I was shocked by the results it gave me later on. It helped me to remove the Thanatophobia. It also improved my confidence and self esteem. I've been wrapped into this sunbeam light since then and people can see it. Also the workshop about PLR&FLR was absolutely great and covered most of the schedule planned by Renata. I managed to see 2 previous lives ... How spooky is it? She called me a Walk out:) She is like a magnet for thoughts, as in few occasions I was thinking about something and I was nearly ready to ask my questions when she gave me already all the answers. Renata is high skilled and she is a whirl of knowledge. I would strongly recommend her to anyone.
V.T. – Spitalfields – London, UK
Workshop and individual PLR
I attended a one day past life regression workshop with Renata and all I can say is WOW!! I have never been hypnotised before and wasn’t sure if it would work, let alone know what to really expect. To my astonishment, it most certainly did work, and I was able to tap in to a life over 150 years ago, to one that is parallel to my current life. A real eye-opener, helping me refocus on my priorities in this life and to concentrate on myself as well. I would highly recommend Renata to anyone that is even slightly curious about their past lives. She is an absolute patient professional trained by Dr Brian Weiss, and makes you feel completely comfortable and at ease.
S.B. – Harrow, Middlesex, UK
Individual PLR
Thank you very much for your time yesterday, I found the regression process absolutely fascinating. It certainly gave me lots to think about.
P.R. – London, UK
Workshop and individual PLR
The journey to your house activated something – I could feel that throbbing in my forehead/3rd eye I get when approaching an energy rich environment. Your voice/energy/something was very effective in getting me into deep state ... I went into successive deeper layers of semi-consciousness. I heard consciously only the key directions – little of the elaborations. This is unusual for me, I don't get whacked out easily unless in the audience of a spiritual master (i.e. twice in my life!).
The CD had the same impact ... I tried it twice – sends me deep. Tried it again first thing this morning after good night's sleep ... to control for tiredness. I started getting snippets of things ...
S.C. – London, UK
Individual PLR and Personal Problems
Thank you so much for yesterday, I definitely feel I got a lot out of it. I will do as you have suggested and already am feeling better. I think I did discover a lot about myself. Looking forward to next week.
J.S. – Isleworth, UK
Individual PLR
Thank you very much for your time yesterday, I found the regression process absolutely fascinating. It certainly gave me lots to think about.
P.C. – Hendon, UK
Individual PLR
It really was a great experience and I do feel I got a lot out of it. I will keep in touch – lovely to have met you and had such an interesting afternoon.
J.F. – Walthamstow, UK
Individual PLR and Emotional/Relationship Problems
I did 2 PLRs and was able to confront issues I had during my teenage years and therefore was able to close an important chapter in my life. I am so relieved that I met Dr Bartoli as she offered me a lot of support during the whole process of dealing with my current problem and I now see a great change within me and the positive effect it has had on my daily life. In addition to that I have done a Remote Viewing which was very useful for me as I found a wider connection to where I lived in my previous two lives (which was – both times – the same location). I was therefore able to visit the place and see if I found even more connections – the whole experience was very exciting. I am ever so grateful to Dr. Bartoli – I would not be in this positive set of mind if I hadn’t done PLR with her. She is not only a warm loving person but also a wonderful therapist. Thank you so much for all your help.
L.M. – Stanmore, UK
Public Speaking
I saw Renata because I had problems in facing any situation where I had to speak in front of a few or many people. My face would turn red, my voice would crack up, and my mind would go totally blank. The hypnosis helped me to be more confident in these pressure situations and to reduce my anxiety. It was a very strong experience for me that I recommend to all people having the same problem.
E.T. – Cambridge, UK
Weight Management
Having a desperate need to overcome my issues with weight I decided to visit a hypnotherapist after trying many diets in my lifetime. I wanted to know why I chose to sabotage myself, people would say to me: 'You have lost weight haven't you?' Knowing that I had lost weight I would then go home and overeat. On the advice of a friend I decided to visit Dr. Renata Bartoli I am the woman that people see and think: 'Oh she's not so big, she dresses well to cover herself up'. I was deceiving myself and others. Look, I don't want to be stick thin, I just want to be comfortable in my body, without loads of extra weight. Through therapy, I was able to identify when and how weight became an issue and what triggered bad feelings for me. I am now on the way to 'slimming' myself by daily self hypnosis/ positive talk to myself. Dr Bartoli has been essential in my attitude and understanding of why I do what I do. I now know that I WILL BE THE REAL me, you can be true to yourself too, it is possible. I had to invest in myself and realize that self preservation was vital for my health and future well being.
S.I. – Uxbridge – Middlesex, UK
Confidence, Traumas and various Personal-Family Problems
When I decided to go to Renata my life was pretty much falling apart around me and I felt confused and out of synch with my whole being. So, I went to her with an open mind and determination to get my life back on track. I had 6 sessions with Renata and I found her therapies to be amazing. Her spiritual and hypnotherapeutic techniques were exactly what I needed in my life at that time. I found her professional, compassionate and in tune with me and what I wanted/needed. She tailor-made each session to the 'stuff' I bought with me each time. I loved being under hypnosis and felt I could trust her implicitly.
I also sent my 13 year old daughter, who found her one-session to be life changing and she still uses what she learnt.
I would recommend Renata 100%. She is a wonderful soul and seems to truly care about people.
P.G. – Kingsbury – London, UK
Personal-Family Problems
I came to Renata with a world on my shoulders and without seeing a way to deal with things in my life. Renata used hypnotherapy, advice and guidance which have had a profound effect on me. I believe that her methods do work and absolutely recommend Renata!
D.P. – Harrow – Middlesex, UK
Confidence and Emotional Problems
I found the hypnosis sessions to be both informative on an intellectual level as well as extremely helpful in aiding me in my journey to solve the emotional problems I have been dealing with. I went in quite sceptical and a bit apprehensive, but Renata was very kind and had a very calming influence on me. I found the hypnosis, once I let myself relax and go with it, to be exciting and afterwards felt a hope and optimism that I hadn't expected or felt in a while. I will continue to use the tips Renata gave me about visualisation and would definitely recommend her sessions.
T.V. – Harrow – Middlesex, UK
Traumas and Personal Problems
I saw Renata because I had always been over-weight and diets had never worked for me. I also felt negative about my life and my future. Renata has helped me to drop those extra pounds that bothered me by discovering the deep roots responsible for my extra weight. In only two sessions I have achieved something I had never managed before. With her therapy called Interactive Inner World she has also guided me on a path of self-discovery and I have managed to turn my life around. Many thanks indeed.
S.G – West Hampstead – London NW6, UK
Public Speaking
I am happy to recommend the Apple-Tree. It was a very relaxing experience. Renata is a therapist who is very easy to talk to and through this she understood and was able to create a therapy that was right for me.
P.R. – Harrow, UK
Childhood Traumas
My sessions were incredibly successful. I have never felt so relaxed. Thanks to Renata's method of age regression I was able to explore and come to terms with the traumas of my childhood. This has led to new confidence and belief in myself. Renata, thank you so much.
S. G.-G. – Diss – Norfolk, UK
Individual PLR – Relationship Problems
I have had PLRs before - this was my first time with Doctor Bartoli. I was happy that I was taken into TWO PLRs back to back - as I have not had that before. The audio recording of the sessions is also something that has not until now been given to me at a PLR. Since the regressions, I have consequently come to realise “more” about my possible Past Life relationships with the significant person known to me in this life.
S.B. – Hounslow, UK
Individual PLR and Personal and Relationship Problems
I had not experienced much success with hypnosis until having a session with Dr Bartoli. She explained the process to me clearly and guided me through what I understand now is a collaborative process, where each of us has a part to play. I was especially impressed by the results of regression as I had no idea of how it might work and feared I might be resistant to it. Dr Bartoli sensed when I was having difficulty in making progress and gave me the means to continue, revealing aspects of myself along the way that I had no idea about previously. This is a thoroughly professional service I can endorse without reservation.
D.G. - Docklands (London), UK
Childhood Traumas
I have tried for many years to solve emotional problems deriving from my early childhood which adversely affect my everyday life. I tried many different therapies, from conventional psychotherapy to art therapy and even hypnotherapy, but without success. Last summer I decided to consult Dr. Bartoli and I’m very glad I did. For the first time I feel that I’m getting control back of my life and I’m now looking towards the future in a positive way for the first time.
P.A. - Harrow – Middx, UK
Ho avuto paura della muffa (in particolare di quella dei cibi) praticamente da sempre e, malgrado le mie migliori intenzioni e sforzi, non ero mai riuscita a superarla, benché mi facesse sentire ridicola ed imbarazzata. Mi sono sempre chiesta cosa mai fosse alla radice di simile sciocca paura e in una sola seduta la Dott.ssa Bartoli mi ha tolto la curiosità e allo stesso tempo mi ha liberato dalla fobia, riportandomi indietro ad un episodio della mia infanzia che avevo completamente dimenticato. Con la revisione da adulta di simile evento sono riuscita a prenderlo per quello che era e finalmente girare la pagina. Mille grazie, thank you very much.
C.P. – Bologna, Italy
Individual PLR
My initial nerves at undergoing a past life regression for the first time were quickly dispelled by Dr Bartoli who put me at ease straight away. Her calm manner helped me to relax more than I thought possible and it was fascinating to explore two previous lives with her. I realised that there were messages from my past existences which I could use to guide me through my current life and I am excited that, through meditation and dreams, I may be able to discover more about myself. Dr Bartoli gave me insight and taught me relaxation techniques which I will continue to use to help me on my spiritual journey.
T.L. - Ruislip – Middx, UK
I smoked and smoked and smoked. I wanted to stop and tried everything: I never lasted more than a week or two. In only one session Renata managed to make me stop. More than two months have passed now and I have not even had the temptation to start again. Now I am finally sure that I am a non-smoker. Many thanks indeed.
G.L. – Milan, Italy