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The publications about Past Life Regression/Reincarnation, Spirituality, Healing and Alternative Medicine are so numerous that it would be impossible to even attempt an organic and exhaustive catalogue. This has forced me to make drastic cuts which I would have preferred not to make. However, in a few cases I have intentionally omitted some books which - although they have enjoyed a certain success - I personally consider either ethically unacceptable or responsible for perpetuating old prejudices which have no place in the 21st century. My list is totally personal and is simply intended to give a small selection of works on these varied and wide topics.
Alexander (Dr Eben), Proof of Heaven - A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, London, Piatkus, 2012 [Near-Death Experiences - Interlife/Afterlife Explorations]
Allen (Miles, Edward) (compiled, edited, and critiqued by), Astral Intimacy - Fifty spirits Speak About Life, Love, and Sex After life,, Momentpoint Media, 2014. [Afterlife, Mediumship]
Allen (Sue), Spirit Release - A Practical Handbook, Winchester, O Books, 2007. [Spirit Release]
Alvisi (Gabriella), Le voci dei viventi di ieri, CDE Spa-SugarCo Edizioni, Milano, 1976. [Afterlife]
Angelo (Jack), The Distant Healing Handbook - How to send healing to people, animals, the environment and global trouble spots, London, Piatkus, 2007. [Healing]
Atkinson (W.W.), Reincarnazione e legge del Karma, Roma, Napoleone Editore, 1971. (Italian translation). [Reincarnation, Past Lives]
Baker (Douglas), Reincarnation - Why, Where & How We Have Lived Before, Potters Bar, Douglas Baker Publications, 1982. [Reincarnation]
Baltrušatis (Jurgis), Il medioevo fantastico, Milano, Mondadori, 1977. [Symbolism, Afterlife, Historical]
Bardens (Dennis), Psychic Animals - An Investigation of Their Secret Powers, London, Robert Hale, 1987. [Psychic Powers, Animals]
Baron-Reid (Colette), Remembering the Future - The Path to Rediscovering Intuition, Carlsbad (CA), Hay House, 2006. [Spirituality]
Bartoli (Renata A.), La Navigatio Sancti Brendani e la sua fortuna nella cultura romanza dell'età di mezzo, Fasano di Puglia, Schena, 1994. [Celtic and Early Christian Other World, Symbolism of Animals, Historical]
ID (ed. by) Benedeit, Il viaggio di San Brandano, (introduction, translation from Anglo-Norman into Italian and notes), Parma, Pratiche, 1994 [Celtic and Early Christian Other World, Historical]
ID, Galaad figura militis christiani. Senefiances implicite nella Queste del Saint Graal, "Museum Patavinum", 4, 1987, pp. 341-61. [Religious Discrimination, Symbolism, Historical]
ID, Trinità celeste e trinità diabolica nella Queste del Saint Graal, "Medioevo Romanzo", 12, 1987, pp. 89-102. [Religious Discrimination, Symbolism, Historical]
Baschera (Renzo), I poteri esoterici degli animali e delle piante - Avvertimenti e presagi che l'uomo civilizzato non sente più, Milano, Mondadori, 1987. [Psychic Powers, Animals]
Bates (Brian), The Wisdom of the Wyrd - Teaching for today from our Ancient Past, London, Rider, 1996. [Spirituality, Early Anglo-Saxon Shamanism]
Beigbeder (Olivier), La Symbolique, Paris, P.U.F., 1981. [Symbolism, Historical]
Bernheimer (Richard), Wild Men in the Middle Ages - A Study in Art, Sentiment, and Demonology, New York, Octagon Books, 1979. [Symbolism, Other World, Historical]
Bernstein (Morey), The Search for Bridey Murphy, New York (NY), Doubleday, 1989 (1st ed. London, Hutchinson, 1956). [Reincarnation, Past Lives]
Biagi (Carlo), Volare con l'anima - Manuale di terapia esistenziale, Milano, Rizzoli, 1991 [OBE, Reincarnation, Spirituality]
Braden, (Gregg), The Divine Matrix - Bridging Time, Space, Miracles, and Belief, London, Hay House, 2007. [Science, Power of the Mind]
ID, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief - Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits, London, Hay House, 2008. [Healing, Powers of the Mind]
ID, Fractal Time - The Secret of 2012 and a New World Age, London, Hay House, 2009. [Science]
Brekilien (Yann), La Mythologie celtique, Jean Picollec, Paris, 1981. [Celtic Mythology, Historical]
Bromwich (Rachel), The Welsh Triads, in Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages, ed. by R.S. Loomis, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1959, pp.44-51. [Celtic Mythology, Historical]
Browne (Sylvia), Visit from the Afterlife - The Truth About Ghosts, Spirits, Hauntings and Reunions with Lost Loved Ones, London, Piatkus, 2003. [Afterlife]
Cannon (Dolores), Between Death and Life - Conversations with the Spirit, Dublin, Gateway, 2003. [Afterlife]
Cardini (Franco), Magia, stregoneria, superstizioni nell'Occidente medievale, Firenze, La Nuova Italia, 1979. [Witchcraft, Psychic Powers, Historical]
Carman (Judy), Peace to All Beings (Veggie soup for the chicken's soul), New York (NY), Lantern Book, 2003. [Animals, Spirituality]
Carozzi (Claude), La Géographie de l'Au-delà et sa signification pendant le haut Moyen Age, in Popoli e paesi nella cultura alto medievale (1981), II, XXIX Sett. Del C.I. di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, Sede del Centro, pp. 423-485. [Other World, Historical]
Chadwick (Nora K.), The Age of the Saints in the Early Celtic Church, Oxford, University Press, 1961. [Early Celtic Christianity and Paganism]
Chitty (Dorothy), Are You Psychic?, London, Element-Harper Collins Publishers, 2004. [Afterlife, Animals]
Chopra, Deepak, Life After Death - The Book of Answers, London, Rider, 2006. [Philosophy, Afterlife]
Church (Dawson), The Genie in your Genes - Epigenetic Medicine and the New Biology of Intention, Llandeilo, Cygnus Books, 2007. [Science, Holistic]
Coates (Margrit) and Wood (Perry), Animal Healing, "The Mind, Body & Soul" Series, audio CD + booklet. MBSCD921. [Animals Healing]
ID, Hands-on Healing for Pets - The Animal Lover's Essential Guide to Using Healing Energy, London, Rider, 2003. [Animal Healing]
ID, Angel Pets (Incredible true stories of animal miracles), London, Rider, 2010. [Animals, Spirituality]
ID, Communicating with Animals (How to tune into them intuitively), London, Rider, 2012. [Animal Communication]
Cocchiara (Giuseppe), Il mondo alla rovescia, Torino, Boringhieri, 1981 (1st ed. 1963). [Other World, Historical]
ID, Il Paese di Cuccagna e altri studi di folklore, Torino, Boringhieri, 1980 (1st ed. 1956). [Other World, Historical]
Corzine (Amy), The Secret Life of the Universe - The Quest for the Soul of Science, London, Watkins Publishing, 2008. [Science, Holistic]
Cockell (Jenny), Yesterday's Children - The Extraordinary Search for My Past Life Family, London, Piatkus, 1993. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Past Lives, Future Lives - One Woman's Extraordinary Experiences of Other Lifetimes, London, Piatkus, 1996. [Past Lives, Future Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Across Time and Death: A Mother's Search for Her Past Life Children. [Past Lives, Reincarnation. Not seen personally]
Colombo (Manuela), Dai mistici a Dante: il linguaggio dell'ineffabilità, La Nuova Italia, Firenze, 1987. [Other World, Historical]
Coomaraswamy (Ananda K.) and Nivedita (Sister), Myths of the Hindus and Buddhists, New York (NY), Dover Publications, [n.d.]. [Religions, Historical]
Cranston (Sylvia) (compiled & edited by), Reincarnation - The Phoenix Fire Mystery (An East-West dialogue on death and rebirth from the worlds of religion, science, psychology, philosophy, art, and literature), Pasadena (USA), Theosophical University Press, 1998 [History of Reincarnation in the World]
Crombie (R. Ogilvie), The Gentleman and the Faun - Encounter with Pan and the Elemental Kingdom - A True Story, Forres (Scotland), Findhorn, 2009. [Nature Spirits - Elementals - Findhorn Community]
Darton (Robert), Il grande massacro dei gatti e altri episodi della storia culturale francese, Milano, Adelphi ("Saggi", 40), 1988. [Animals, Historical]
Delumeau (Jean), La paura in Occidente (secoli XIV-XVIII), Torino, S.E.I., 1979. [Other World, Historical]
De Vries (Jan), I Celti - Etnia, religiosità, visione del mondo, Milano, Jaca Book, 1982. [Celtic Other World, Historical]
Dillon (Miles) and Chadwick (Nora K.), The Celtic Realms, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1967. See also the French translation: Les Royaumes celtiques, with an essay by Christian J. Guyonvarc'h and Françoise Le Roux, La Gaule dans le monde celtique, Paris, Fayard, 1977. [Celtic Other World, Historical].
Di Nola (Alfonso M.), Il Diavolo, Roma, Newton Compton, 1987. [Other World, Historical]
Dinzelbacher (Peter), Le vie per l'Aldilà nelle credenze popolari e nella concezione erudita del Medioevo, "Quaderni Medievali", XXIII, June 1987, pp. 6-35. [Other World, Historical]
Durand (Gilbert), Les structures anthropologiques de l'imaginaire, Paris, Dunod-Bordas, 1984 (1st ed. 1969). [Other World, Historical]
Eason (Cassandra), The Psychic Power of Animals - How to Communicate with Your Pet, London, Piatkus, 2003. [Animal Communication]
Eliade (Mircea), Trattato di storia delle religioni, 4th ed., Torino, Boringhieri, 1976 (1st ed. 1948). [History of Relgions]
ID, Miti, sogni, e misteri, 2nd ed., Milano, Rusconi, 1986 (1st ed 1957). [History of Religions]
ID. La nostalgia delle origini, Brescia, Morcelliana, 1972. [History of Religions]
ID, Mito e realtà, Milano, Rusconi, 1974. [History of Religions]
Engineer (Thrity), Supercoherence - The 7th Sense, Carlsbad (CA), Hay House, 2008. [Science]
Evans (Edward P.), Animali al rogo (Storie di processi e condanne contro gli animali dal Medioevo all'Ottocento), Roma, Editori Riuniti "Albatros", 1989. [Witchcraft, Animals, Historical].
Fenwick, (Dr Peter and Elizabeth), The Truth in the Light - An Investigation of Over 300 Near-Death Experiences, London, Headline Book Publishing, 1996. [Near-Death Experiences, Afterlife]
ID, The Hidden Door - Understanding and Controlling Dreams, London, Headline Book Publishing, 1997 [Nature of Dreams]
ID., The Art of Dying, London/New York, Continuum, 2008. [Near-Death Visions and Signs]
Fisher, Joe (Preface by His Holiness the Dalai Lama), The Case for Reincarnation, London, 2001. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Foglia (Serena), Il libro delle streghe, Milano, Rusconi, 1981. [Witchcraft, Historical]
Foucart-Walter (Élisabeth) and Rosenberg (Pierre), Le chat et la palette. Le chat dans la peinture occidentale du XVe au XXe siècle, Paris, Adam Biro, 1987. [Symbolism, Animals]
Frappier (Jean), Chrétien de Troyes et le mythe du Graal, Paris, SEDES, 1972. [Other World, Historical]
Fulton (Elisabeth) and Prasad (Kathleen), Animal Reiki - Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life, Berkeley (CA), Ulysses Press, 2006. [Reiki, Animals, Healing]
Gallino (Tilde Giani), (compiled by), Le Grandi Madri, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1989. [Ancient Religions]
Garotti (Tullia), Terapia esoterica - Esperienze e studi esoterici, Roma, Atanòr, 1993. [Holistic, Alternative Medicine]
Giovetti (Paola), Qualcuno è tornato, Milano, Armenia Editore, 1988. [Afterlife].
Goldberg (Bruce), Past Lives Future Lives, New York (NY), Ballantine Books, 1982. [Past Lives, Future Lives, Reincarnation]
Graf (Arturo), Il Diavolo, Roma, Salerno Ed., 1980 (1st ed 1889). [Other World, Historical]
ID, Artù nell'Etna - Miti e leggende, Roma, Atanòr, 1980. [Other World, Historical]
ID, Miti, leggende e superstizioni del Medio Evo, Milano, Mondadori, "Oscar Saggi", 94, 1984, (1st ed. 1892-93). [Other World, Historical]
Graves (Robert) and Patai (Raphael), Miti ebraici, Milano, Longanesi, 1980. [Religions, Symbolism, Historical]
Greenhouse (Herbert B.), The Astral Journey, New York (NY), Doubleday, 1975 [OBE]
Greer, (Jane), The Afterlife Connection: A Therapist Reveals How to Communicate with Departed Loved Ones, New York (NY), St Martin's Press, 2003. [Spirituality, Channelling]
Greywind, The Voice Within the Wind of Becoming and the Druid Way, Girvan (Ayrshire), Grey House in the Woods, 2001. [Philosophy, Druidism]
Griswald (J.H.), L'Arbre blanc, vert, rouge de la "Quête du Graal" et le symbolisme coloré des Indo-Européens, I, in Actes du XIVe Congrès International Arthurien, I, Université de Rennes [1985], pp.273-287. [Symbolism, Historical]
Grollman (Earl A.), Living When a Loved One Has Died, London, Souvenir Press, 1996. [Grieving Process]
Gurevic (Aaron Ja.), Per un'antropologia delle visioni ultraterrene nella cultura occidentale del Medioevo, in La semiotica nei Paesi Slavi, edited by C. Previgliano, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1979, pp. 443-462. [Other World, Historical]
Haich (Elisabeth), Iniziazione: memorie di un'egizia, Giaveno (Torino), Edizioni Àrista, 1992 (Italian translation). [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Hamilton-Parker (Craig), What to Do When You are Dead - Living Better in the Afterlife, New York (NY), Sterling Publishing Co., 2001. [Afterlife]
Hardo (Trutz), Children Who Have Lived Before - Reincarnation Today, Saffron Walden (Essex), C.W. Daniel Company, 2000 (English translation of the original in German). [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Harf-Lancner (Laurence), Les Fées au moyen âge - Morgane et Mélusine - La naissance des fées, Genève, Slatkine, 1984. [Spirituality, Celtic Religion and Symbolism, Historical]
Heathcote-James (Emma), After-Death Communication - Hundreds of True Stories from the UK of People Who Have Communicated With Their Loved Ones, London, Metro, 2003. [Afterlife]
Herm (Gerhard), Il mistero dei Celti, 2nd ed., Milano, Garzanti, 1982. [Celts, Historical]
Higgins (Joseph M.), I Got Your Message! - Understanding signs from deceased loved ones, Always Connected Series, www.joehiggins, 2014 [Signs from the Afterlife, Mediumship]
Hughes (Kathleen), The Church in Early Irish Society, London, Methuen, 1966. [Early Christianity, Historical]
ID, Early Christian Ireland: Introduction to the Sources, London, "The Sources of History" - Hodder and Stoughton, 1966. [Early Insular Christianity, Historical].
Ingerman (Sandra), Soul Retrieval - Mending the Fragmented Self, New York USA, Harper One, 1991. [Shamanic Soul Retrieval]
ID, Welcome Home - Life After Healing - Following Your Soul's Journey Home, New York USA, Harper San Francisco, 1993. [Shamanic Soul Retrieval]
Jacobson (Nils Olof), Vita dopo la morte?, Milano, CDE Spa-SugarCo Edizioni, 1971, (Italian translation from German). [Afterlife]
Jagot (P.C.), L'Influence à distance - Méthode pratique de télépsychie, Paris, Éditions Dangles, 1971. [Telepathy, Spirituality]
Jirsch (Anne), The Future Is Yours: Introducing Future Life Progression -The Dynamic Technique That Reveals Your Destiny, London, Piatkus, 2007. [Future Lives, Reincarnation]
Kagan (Annie), The Afterlife of Billy Fingers - How my bad-brother proved to me there's life after death, Hampton Road, Charlottesville (VA), 2013. [Life After Death]
Kelleher (Donna), Angel - and Other Miracles of Animal Healing, London, Rider, 2003. [Animals, Healing]
Kenney (James F.), The Sources for the Early History of Ireland: Ecclesiastical - An Introduction and Guide, Dublin, Pádric O Táilliúir, 1979. [Early Insular Christianity, Historical]
Kessler (David), Visions, Trips and Crowded Rooms - Who and What You See Before You Die, Hay House, London, 2010 [Shared deathbed visions]
Kinkade (Amelia), The Language of Miracles - A Celebrated Psychic Teaches You to Talk to Animals, Novato (CA), New World Library, 2006. [Animal Communication]
ID, Straight from the Horse's Mouth - How to Talk to Animals and Get Answers, Novato (CA), New World Library, 2001. [Animal Communication]
ID, Amelia's Magic: Meditations with Animals, audio CD. [Animal Communication]
Kowalski (Gary), The Souls of the Animals, Walpole (NH), Stillpoint, 1991. [Animals, Spirituality]
Krystal, (Phyllis), Cutting the Ties That Bind - Growing Up and Moving On, York Beach (Maine), Samuel Weiser, 1993. [Letting Go, Relatiosnhips]
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, Living with Death and Dying, London, Souvenir Press, "Human Horizons Series" 1982. [Death and Grieving Process]
Lambert (Pierre-Yves), Les Littératures celtiques, Paris, P.U.F., "Que sais-je?", 1981. [Celtic Other World, Symbolism, Historical].
Lampis (Rinaldo), L'uso cosciente delle energie, Giaveno (Torino), Edizioni Amrita, 1993. [Holistic, Alternative Medicine]
Lanza (Robert), & Berman (Bob), Biocentrism - How Life and Consciousness Are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, Dallas (TX - USA), Ben Bella Books, 2009. [A biologist's theory about consciousness and the universe]
ID., Beyond Biocentrism - Rethinking Time, Space, Consciousness, and the Illusion of Death, Dallas (TX - USA), Ben Bella Books, 2016.
Le Don (Gérard), Structures et significations de l'imagérie médiévale de l'enfer, "Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale", XXII, 1979, pp. 363-372. [Other World, Symbolism, Historical]
Le Goff (Jacques), La Naissance du Purgatoire, Paris, Gallimard, 1981. [Early Christianity, Other World, Historical].
ID, Il meraviglioso e il quotidiano nell'Occidente medievale, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1983. [Symbolism, Other World, Historical]
ID, L'immaginario medievale, Bari, Laterza, 1988. [Symbolism, Other World, Historical]
Leininger (Bruce & Andrea) with Gross (Ken), Soul Survivor - The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot, London, Hay House, 2009. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Le Roux (Françoise) and Guyonvarc'h (Christian. J.), Les Druides, [Rennes], Ouest-France Université, 1986. [Celtic Symbolism, Other World, Historical]
Lecouteux (Claude), Lohengrin e Melusina - Una leggenda medievale contro la paura della morte, Milano, Xenia, 1989. [Death, Other World, Historical]
Leoni (Fausta), Karma - Storia autentica di una reincarnazione, Milano, Rizzoli, 1987 [Reincarnation, Past Lives]
Loyer (Olivier), Les Chrétientés celtiques, Paris, P.U.F., 1965. [Early Celtic Christianity]
MacKillop (James), Dictionary of Celtic Mythology, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1988. [Celtic Mythology]
MacLaine (Shirley), Dancing in the Light, Ealing-London, Bantam Books-Transworld Publishers, 1986. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Out on a Limb, Ealing-London, Books-Transworld Publishers, 1983. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
MacNiocaill (Gearo’d), Ireland Before the Vikings, 2nd ed., Dublin, Gill and MacMillan, 1980. [Celtic Civilisation, Other World]
Malaspina (Elena), Patrizio e l'acculturazione latina dell'Iralnda, L'Aquila-Roma, Japadre Editore "Collana di testi storici", 15, 1984. [Early Insular Christianity, Other World, Historical]
Marchand (Jean), L'Autre Monde au Moyen Age - Voyages et visions (La Navigation de Saint Brendan - Le Purgatoire de Saint Patrice - La Vision d'Albéric), Paris, Boccard, 1940. [Other World, Historical]
Markale (Jean), Les Celtes et la civilisation celtique, Paris, Payot, 1969. [Other World, Symbolism, Celtic Culture, Historical]
ID, L'épopée celtique d'Irlande, Paris, Payot, 1971. [Other World, Symbolism, Celtic Culture, Historical]
ID, Le Christianisme celtique et ses survivances populaires, Paris, Imago, 1983. [Early Celitc Christianity, Historical]
Markham (Ursula), Past-Life Regression - How to Learn from the Lives You Have Lived, London, Vega, 2003. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Martin, (Stephen Hawley), The Science of Life After Death – New Research Shows Human Consciousness Lives On, Richmond (Virginia), Oaklea Press, 2009. [Survival of Consciousness]
Martino (Ernesto de), Morte e pianto rituale - Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria, Torino, Boringhieri, 1975. [Dying Rituals in the Antiquity, Historical]
Marx (Jean), La Légende arthurienne et le Graal, Paris, P.U.F., 1952. [Celtic Symbolism, Other World, Historical]
Meurois-Givaudan (Anne et Daniel), Récits d'un voyageur de l'Astral, [Plazac], Éditions Amrita, 1993. [OBE]
Minns (Sue), Soulmates - Understanding the True Gifts of Intense Encounters, London, Hodder Mobius, 2004. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Monroe (Robert A.), Journeys Out of the Body, New York (NY), Doubleday, 1977. [OBE]
ID, Far Journeys, New York (NY), Broadway Books, 2001 (originally published by Doubleday in 1985). [OBE]
ID, Ultimate Journey, New York (NY), Broadway Books, 2000 (originally published by Doubleday in 1994). [OBE]
Moody (Raymond), Life After Life: the Investigation of a Phenomenon - Survival of Bodily Death, San Francisco (CA), HarperSanFrancisco, 2001 [1st ed. 1975]. [Afterlife]
ID, Reflections on Life After Life, Harrisburg, (PA), Stackpole Books, 1977. [Afterlife]
ID and Perry (Paul), The Light Beyond, New York (NY), Bantam Books, 1988. [Afterlife]
ID and Arcangel (Dianne), Life After Loss: Conquering Grief and Finding Hope, New York, HarperSanFrancisco, 2001. [Grief & Bereavement, Afterlife]
ID, Reunited - How to Meet Love Ones Again Who Seem Lost to Death, London, Rider, 2006. [Already published in 1993 with the title: Reunions: Visionary Encounters with Departed Loved Ones] [Afterlife, Animals]
ID and Perry (Paul), Glimpses of Eternity - An Investigation into Shared Death Experiences, London, Rider, 2010 [Shared deathbed visions]
ID and ID, Paranormal - My Life in Pursuit of the Afterlife, London, Rider, 2012. [Professional Autobiography]
Moorjani (Anita), Dying to Be Me - My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death to True Healing, London, Hay House, 2012. [Near-Death Experiences / Interlife/Afterlife Explorations]
Moraldi (Luigi), L'Aldilà dell'uomo, Milano, Mondadori, 1985. [Afterlife through History]
Murray (Steve), Reiki, the Ultimate Guide Vol 4 - Past Lives & Soul Retrieval; Remove Psychic Debris & Heal Your Life, Las Vegas (NV), Body & Mind Productions, 2007 [Reiki, Past Lives, Akashic Records]
O'Corrain (Donncha), Ireland Before the Normans, Dublin, Gill and McMillan, 1972. [Ancient Irish Civilisation, Early Insular Christianity]
Olsen (Jeff), I Knew Their Hearts, Springville (Utah), Cedar Fort, 2012. [A Near-Death experience]
Olson (Bob), Answers About the Afterlife – A Private Investigator’s 15-Year Research Unlocks the Mysteries of Life After Death, Kennebunkport, ME (USA), Building Bridges Press, 2014. [Evidence of Afterlife – Animals – Past Lives]
Paor (Maire and Liam de), Antica Irlanda cristiana, Milano, Il Saggiatore, 1959. [Early Insular Christianity]
Pascal (Carlo), La morte e l'aldilà nel mondo pagano, Genova, Fratelli Melita Editori, 1987. [Other World]
Patch (Howard Rollin), The Other World According to Descriptions in Medieval Literature, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1950. See also the Spanish translation: El otro mundo en la literature medieval, with an essay by María Rosa Lida de Malkiel, La visíon de trasmundo en la literatura hispánica, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1983. [Other World, Historical]
PathFinder Ewing (Jim) (Nvnehi Awatisgi), Healing Plants and Animals from a Distance - Curative Principles and Applications, Findhorn, Findhorn Press, 2007. [Healing, Shamanism]
Patterson (Charles), Eternal Treblinka - Our Treatment of Animals and the Holocaust. New York (NY), Lantern Books-Booklight Inc., 2002. [Speciesism]
Picardie (Justine), If the Spirit Moves You - Life and Love After Death, London, Picador-Macmillan, 2001. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Pompas (Manuela) (compiled by), Le nuove vie dello spirito, G.V.R.P. [Spirituality, Hypnosis, Afterlife]
ID, Siamo tutti sensitivi, [Milano], Armenia, 1988. [Holistic, Alternative Medicine]
Poupard (Paul) (compiled by), Dictionnaire des religions, Paris, P.U.F., 1984. [Other World, Historical].
Powel (T.G.E.), I Celti, Firenze, Il Saggiatore, 1974. [Celtic Culture, Other World, Historical]
Radford (Roy); Gregory (Evelyn), Eternally Yours Faithfully, [s.n.], Milverton (Somerset) 2000. [Animals, Afterlife]
Radin (Dean), Entangled Minds - Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality, New York (NY), Paraview Pocket Books, 2006. [Science]
Randles (Jenny), Time Storms - Amazing Evidence for Time Warps, Space Rifts and Time Travel, London, Piatkus, 2001. [Science]
Renard (Hélène), L'Après-vie, Paris, Philippe Lebaud Éditeur, 1985. [Afterlife]
Ries (Julien) (compiled by), I simboli nelle grandi religioni, Milano, Jaca Book, 1988. [Symbolism, Religions, Historical]
Ring (Kenneth) and Elsaesser Valarino (Evelyn), Lessons from the Light – What we can learn from the near-death experience, Needham – Massachusetts, Moment Point Press, 2006 [1st ed. 1998] [Near-Death Experiences]
ID, and Cooper (Sharon), Mindsight: Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in the Blind, William James Center for Consciousness Studies at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Palo Alto - California Kearney – Nebraska, Morris Publishing. 1999 [Near-Death Experiences]
ID, Life at Death – A Scientific investigation of the Near-death experience, New York, Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1980 [Near-Death Experiences]
ID, Heading Toward Omega – In Search of the Meaning of the Near-Death Experience, New York, Quill, 1984 [Near-Death Experiences]
ID, Waiting to Die - A Near-Death Researcher's (Mostly Humorous) Reflections on His Own Endgame, Tucson-Arizona, Wheatmark, 2019. [Autobiographical]
Roberts (Llyn), Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness - Heal and Transform Yourself and Our World with Ancient Shamanic and Modern Methods, Winchester UK - New York USA, O Books, 2011. [Shamanic Soul Retrieval]
Russell (Jeffrey B.), Il diavolo nel Medioevo, Milano-Bari, Laterza, 1987. [Other World, Symbolism]
Russell (Peter), The Global Brain - The Awakening Earth in a New Century, Edinburgh, Floris Book, 2007. [Science]
Ryzl (Milan), Death … and After? (Italian version: Morire … e poi?, Milano, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1985). [Afterlife, Reincarnation, Science, Parapsychology]
ID, How to Develop ESP in You and in Others, Durham (CA), 1972 (Italian version Come sviluppare le facoltà mentali, Milano, Edizioni Mediterranee, 1985). [Science, Psychology]
ID, Parapsychology - A Scientific Approach, [s. l.], Hawthorne, 1970. [Parapsychology]
ID, Hellsehen und andere parapsychische Phanomene in Hypnose, Ariston, Genf, 1982 (3rd edition) [Parapsychology]
Santarcangeli (Paolo), Le isole dei morti, "Conoscenza religiosa", II, 1975, pp.140-163. [Celtic Other World, Historical]
Sarno (John E.), The Divided Mind - The Epidemic of Mindbody Disorders, London, Duckworth Overlook, 2008. [Science]
Sartori (Dr Penny), The Wisdom of Near-Death Experiences – How understanding NDEs can help us live more fully, London, Watkins Publishing, 2014 [Near-Death Experiences]
Scholem, (Gershom), Le Nom et les symbols de Dieu dans la mystique juive, Paris, Ed. Du Cerf, 1983. [Religion, Historical]
Scott (Martin) and Mariani (Gael), Crystal Healing for Animals, Findhorn, Findhorn Press, 2002. [Animals, Healing]
Segre (Cesare), L'invenzione dell'altro mondo, "Autografo", I, 1984, pp. 7-14, now in ID, Fuori dal mondo - I modelli nella follia e nelle immagini dell'aldilà, Torino, Einaudi, "Paperbacks", 204, 1990. (Other World, Historical)
Sheldrake (Rupert), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home - and Other Unexplained Powers of Animals, London, Arrow Books, 2000. [Science]
ID, The Sense of Being Stared at - and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind, London, Hutchinson, 2003. [Science]
ID, A New Science of Life, London, Icon Books, 2009. [Science]
Sheridan (Kim), Animals and the Afterlife - True Stories of Our Best Friends' Journey Beyond Death [Book 1], Carlsbad (CA), Hay House, 2003. [Animals, Afterlife]
ID, Animals and the Afterlife - Book 2: The Journey Continues, Carlsbad (CA), Hay House, in press [Animals, Afterlife]
ID, Before and Afterlife - The Compelling Journey of a Life That Never Ends, Carlsbad (CA), Hay House, in press [Animals, Afterlife]
Sherman (Harold), Vivrai dopo la morte, Milano, Oscar Monadori, 1984 (Italian version). [Afterlife].
Shine (Betty), A Free Spirit - Gives You the Right to Make Choices, London, Harper Collins Publishers, 2002. [Afterlife, Animals]
Shroder (Tom), Old Souls - The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives , New York, Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 1999. [Past Lives, Cases of Reincarnation among children]
Smedley (Jenny), Souls Don't Lie - A True Story of Past Lives, Winchester, O-Books, 2007. [Reincarnation, Past Lives]
ID, Past Life Angels, Winchester, O-Books, 2005. [Reincarnation, Past Lives, Animals]
ID, How to Be Happy, Winchester, O-Books, 2008. [Reincarnation, Past Lives, Interlife, Future Lives]
ID, Pets Have Souls Too, London, Hay House, 2009. [Animals, Spirituality]
ID, Forever faithful - Dogs That Return, Winchester, O-Books, 2009. [Animals, Reincarnation, Past Lives]
ID,Soul Angels,London, Hay House, 2010. [Reincarnation, Past Lives]
Smith (Penelope), When Animals Speaks, San Francisco/Tulsa (CA), Council Oak Books, 2004. [Animal Communication]
Spiegel (Marjorie), The Dreaded Comparison - Human and Animal Slavery, (with a preface by Alice Walker), London, Heretic Books, 1988 [Speciesism; Human Slavery]
Stevenson (Ian), Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1974. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. I: Ten Cases in India, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1975. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. II: Ten Cases in Sri Lanka, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1978. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. III: Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1980. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Cases of the Reincarnation Type Vol. IV: Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1983. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects Volume 1: Birthmarks and Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects Volume 2: Birth Defects and Other Anomalies, (2 vols), Westport (Connecticut), Praeger Publishers, 1997. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Unlearned Language: New Studies in Xenoglossy, University of Virginia, University of Virginia Press, 1984. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect, Westport (Connecticut), Praeger Publishers, 1997. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Children Who Remember Previous Lives: A Quest of Reincarnation, Jefferson (NC), McFarland & Company, 2001. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, European Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Jefferson (NC), McFarland & Company, 2003. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Stokes (Whitley), Souls in Forms of Birds, "Revue celtique", II, 1873-75. [Celtic Other World, Historical]
Stockwell (Tony), The Psychic Case Files, London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2007. [Afterlife, Animals]
Summer (Patty), Talking with the Animals, Charlottesville, Hampton Road, 1998. [Animal Communication]
Sutphen (Dick), You Were Born Again to Be Together - Fascinating True Stories of Reincarnation That Prove Love Is Immortal, New York (NY), Pocket Books, 1976. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Taylor, Sandra Anne, The Hidden Power of Your Past Lives - Revealing Your Encoded Consciousness, USA, Hay House, 2011. [Past Life Therapy, Reincarnation]
Ten Dam (Hans), Exploring Reincarnation, London, Arkana, 1990. (English translation from Dutch) [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Exploring Reincarnation - The Classic Guide to the Evidence for Past-Life Experiences, London, Rider, 1987. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Tucker (Dr Jim B.), Life Before Life, (with a foreword by Prof. Ian Stevenson), London, Piatkus, 2005. [Reincarnation and Cases of Reincarnation in Children]
ID, Return to Life – Extraordinary Cases of Children Who Remember Past Lives, New York, St Martin’s Press, 2013. [Cases of Reincarnation in Children]
Turchi (Nicola), Le religioni dei misteri nel mondo antico, Genova, Melita, 1987. [Religions, Historical]
van Lommel (Dr Pim), Consciousness Beyond Life (The science of the near-death experiences), New York (USA), HarperCollins, 2010. [Near-Death Experiences: the author is a cardiologist]
Van Praagh (James), Talking to Heaven - A Medium's Message of Life After Death, London, Piatkus, 2005. [Afterlife, Animals]
Vasoli (Cesare) (compiled by), Magia e scienza nella civiltà umanistica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1976. [Science and Witchcraft in the Renaissance, Historical]
Walker (Madeleine), An Exchange of Love, Winchester, O-Books, 2008. [Animal Communication, Past Lives]
ID,Your Pets Past Lives & How They Can Heal You, Scotland, Findhorn Press, 2012. [Animal Communication, Past Lives]
Waterfield (Robin), Hidden Depths - The Story of Hypnosis, London, Pan Books-Macmillan, 2002. [Hypnosis, Past Lives]
Weiss (Brian, L.), Many Lives, Many Masters, London, Piatkus, 1994 [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Only Love Is Real - A Story of Soulmates Reunited, New York (NY), Warner Books, 1996. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Through Time into Healing, London, Piatkus, 1992. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Messages from the Masters - Tapping into the Power of Love, London, Piatkus, 2000. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID, Same Soul, Many Bodies, London, Piatkus, 2004. [Future Lives, Past Lives, Reincarnation]
ID.,Mirrors of Time - Using Regression for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing, Carlsbad (California), Hay House, 2002. [Past Life Therapy, Reincarnation]
ID. and Weiss (Amy E.),Miracles Happen, London, Hay House, 2012. [Past Lives, Reincarnation]
Whitton (Joel L.) and Fisher (Joe), Life Between Life - Scientific Explorations into the Void Separating One Incarnation from the Next, London, Grtafton Books, 1986. [Interlife, Reincarnation]
Wilson (Ian), Life After Death - The Evidence, London, Pan Books, 1997. [Afterlife]
Wright (Thomas), St. Patrick's Purgatory; an Essay on the Legends of Purgatory, Hell and Paradise, Current During the Middle Ages, London, John Russel Smith, 1844. [Celtic and Early Christian Other World, Historical]
Wynne-Tyson (Jon) (compiled by), The Extended Circle (an anthology of humane thought), London, Sphere Books, "Cardinal", 1990. [Animals, Spirituality].
Zammit (Victor & Wendy), What Happens When We Die? – A Lawyer Presents the Evidence for the Afterlife, Guildford (UK), White Crow Books, 2013 [Evidence of Afterlife- Animals – Past Lives]
Ziewe (Jurgen), Multidimensional Man,, 2008. [Personal experiences in OBE / Lucid Dreaming - Spiritual Worlds]
ID., Vistas of Infinity,, 2015. [Personal experiences in OBE / Lucid Dreaming - Spiritual Worlds]
Abbott (Edwin A.), Flatland – A Romance of Many Dimensions, New York (USA), Dover Publications Inc., 1992 [1st edition 1884].
Bates (Brian), The Way of Wyrd, London, Hay House, 2004.
Cameron (Julia), Mozart's Ghost, London, Hay House, 2008.
Ciccarese (Maria Pia) (compiled by), Visioni dell'Aldilà in Occidente - fonti, modelli, testi, Firenze, Nardini, "Biblioteca Patristica", 8, 1987.
Cataldi (Melita), (ed. by) Antiche storie e fiabe irlandesi, Torino, Einaudi, 1985.
Dick, R.A., The Ghost and Mrs Muir, London, Harper, 1972, [1st ed. 1945].
Dottin (Georges) (ed. by), L'Épopée irlandaise, Paris, P.U.F. Les Presses d'Aujourd'hui, 1980.
Dunsany (Lord J.A.), My Talks With Dean Spanley, London, Collins, 1072 [1st ed. 1936]. See also the new edition which publishes the screenplay of the film, together with the original text by Dunsany: Dunsany (Lord), My Talks With Dean Spanley; Sharp (Alan), Dean Spanley: the Screenplay, (edited by Matthew Metcalfe, with Chris Smith. It includes many drawings for and photos from the film), London, HarperCollins, 2008.
Gordon (J.A.), Moments in Time, “Chronicles of Eternity, I”, Pembroke – Dyfed, Derwen Publishing, 2009.
ID, The Weight of Time, “Chronicles of Eternity, II”, Pembroke – Dyfed, Derwen Publishing, 2009.
ID, Capital Time, “Chronicles of Eternity, III”, Pembroke – Dyfed, Derwen Publishing, 2011.
ID,Glimpses of Eternity, “Chronicles of Eternity, IV”, Pembroke – Dyfed, Derwen Publishing, 2012.
Two more vols of the series “Chronicles of Eternity” are planned.
Green (Julien), Si j'étais vous, [Paris], Librairie Plon, "Les Livres de poche", 1970.
ID, Varouna, Paris, Librairie Plon, "Les Livres de poche", 1973.
Hall (Judy), Torn Clouds, Winchester, O-Books, 2005.
Hore (Rachel), A Place of Secrets, New York, Simon & Schuster Inc, 1997.
ID, The Dream House, New York, Simon & Schuster Inc, 2006.
Laroche (Robert de), Les Chats de la Sérénissime, Paris, Éditions Judith Henry, 1987.
ID, Chat noir miroir de songes, Paris, Éditions Judith Henry, 1986.
Lot (Ferdinand), L'Épopée celtique en Irlande, I, in H. D'Arbois de Jubainville, Cours de littérature celtique, Paris, V, Thorin, 1892. [Celtic Texts About the Other World, Historical]
Mabinogion (The) (Translation, Introduction and Notes by Sioned Davies), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007. [Original version].
Matheson (Richard), What Dreams May Come - The End Is Just the Beginning, New York, Tor Book, 1978.
ID, Somewhere in Time, New York, Tor Book, 1980. [Originally published as Bid Time Return in 1975].
Maurier (Daphne du), The Loving Spirit (1931), Cambridge (MA), Bentley Publishers, 1971.
ID, The House on the Strand (1969), New York (NY), Doubleday, 1974.
Meyer (Monica), Addicted to life, Lincoln (NE), iUniverse, 2003.
Niffenegger, Audrey, The Time Traveler's Wife, London, Vintage Books, 2005.
Seton (Anya), Green Darkness, London, Coronet Books, 1972.
Smedley (Jenny), The Tree That Talked, Winchester, O-Books, 2007.
Stewart (Mary), The Crystal Cave, New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc, 1970.
ID, The Hollow Hills, London, Hodder and Staughton, 1973.
ID, The Last Enchantment, New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc, 1979.
ID, The Wicked Day, New York, HarperCollins Publishers Inc/William Morrow & Company Inc, 1983.
ID, The Prince and the Pilgrim, London, Hodder and Staughton, 1995.
ID, Touch Not the Cat, London, Book Club Assocs, 1976.
ID, The night of the Unicorn, Winchester, O-Books, 2008.
Tolkien (J.R.R.), Leaf by Niggle, in Tales from the Perilous Realm, London, Harper Collins Publications, 2008 [1st ed. 1964]
Walton (Evangeline), The Mabinogion, London, Orion Publishing Group, 2003. [Modern elaboration].